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Food Vendors

The online Food Vendor Application is now CLOSED


If accepted for participation, a confirmation containing check-in time, your space number, map, and other applicable information will be mailed. If the applicant is not accepted for participation, a notice explaining the reason for rejection and a refund check will be sent to applicant promptly. All NEW APPLICANTS must provide a photo of their unit with their application. Photos will NOT be returned. Applications will not be processed without the requested information, photo (if applicable), and appropriate fees.


In addition to Okra Strut Policies and Procedures, all participants are required to comply with State, County and local codes and regulations. Food vendors will be subject to inspection by DHEC and the Irmo Fire Marshall. The Okra Strut Commission retains the right to deny participation of any vendor whose sales items do not complete with festival criteria, philosophy or the laws of South Carolina and Richland County, or Town of Irmo ordinances. 

Policies and Procedures

Check-In and Set Up Procedures

FRIDAY VENDORS – may access the site and set up from 8:00 am - 8:00 pm as early as the preceding Wednesday. Only FOOD and AMUSEMENT vendors will be permitted to set up early. All vehicles, trailers or other large objects must be removed from the site by 5:00 pm on Friday. Only approved support and supply vehicles will be permitted to remain on the festival site. Vehicles may access the site after 11:00 PM when it is safe to do so. (NOTE: Only exhibitor vendors paying for Friday sales may set up on Friday from 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm due to the evening concert held on the grounds.)

SATURDAY VENDORS – may access the site and set up from 7:00 am – 9:00 am that morning. All vehicles, trailers or other large objects must be removed from the site by 9:30 AM. Only approved support and supply vehicles will be permitted to remain on the festival site. Vehicles may access the site after 10:00 PM or when safe to do so.

Food vendors can begin setting up based on when they registered and paid to come, either Friday (even numbered spaces from 2:00 – 3:00 pm, odd numbered spaces from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM) or Saturday (even numbered spaces from 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM, odd numbered spaces from 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM). Space numbers will be sent closer to the event.

Vendors in the 100 numbered spaces will have access to park one vehicle behind their booth, which must remain there until early out between 4:30-6:00PM or after 10:00 PM. Absolutely no exception can be made for this per the Irmo Police Department and Okra Strut Commission.  Vendor off-site parking and a shuttle bus is provided please utilize this service.



Space Assignment

Participants are assigned a space with a corresponding ID number. Participant cannot sublet, assign, or donate their space in whole or part without permission of festival management.

Unit Operations & Sales

Unit must be operational during official festival hours. PARTICIPANT WILL BE PERMITTED TO SELL OR GIVE AWAY APPROVED ITEMS ONLY. Only approved food vendors may sell beverages. All vendors including Food, beverage and amusement vendors will be required to accept CASH SYSTEM.

Privilege Fee

For Food Vendors Only: Okra Strut Commission reserves the right to limit food items for sale by each vendor at time of application. Privilege Fee will be determined by the number of  approved items on your menu. This will be a declining rate with fees per item decreasing as they go up. 1-5 items – $350.00  5-10 items – $450.00   11 to 15 items – $550.00

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